AQUATECH AUSTRALASIA Pty Ltd (hereinafter AQT) is the brain child of our Director Mark Thomas.
After 12+ Years selling some +12,000 Rainwater Tanks and +7500 household-use Pumps into the market, Mark was convinced THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY for distributors, retailers, installers and end-users of water pumps to get a better deal.
AQT’s TOTAL & FOCUSED modus operandi is different to the traditional industry. We’ll import and distribute, and being integrated, will serve the Resellers, Retailers, Installers, Plumbers, Trades etc.
As a result, our Quality and Great Pricing is passed on to their customers & end-users.
NO MORE crazy margins for the Importer – we will work on introducing QUALITY PRODUCT at keen pricing!
We are not and never will be the likes of many current pump Importers and Distributors.
We aim to be a boutique low cost operator, offer quality, thus keen pricing.

The days of excessive marking-up the cost of landed goods are OVER.
In our honest opinion 4 – 5 & sometimes 6 times cost markup or more is simply wrong !
Our theory is to reduce pricing and to sell larger volume of units – a true WIN WIN scenario. Nobody gets hurt.
Mark further states –
“The goal for the end user is to source and supply QUALITY PRODUCTS akin to a MERCEDES BENZ at TOYOTA CAMRY pricing !”
AQT is proudly a Dual Family Owned Australian Registered Company – owned jointly by the two Directors & Joint CEO’s in Mr. Tim Lai & Mr. Mark Thomas.
You can click here to learn more about each Director: Tim or Mark