AQUATECH AUSTRALASIA Pty Ltd (hereinafter AQT) is the brain child of our Director Mark Thomas. After 12+ Years selling some +12,000 Rainwater Tanks and +7500 household-use Pumps into the market, Mark was convinced THERE HAS TO BE A BETTER WAY for distributors, retailers, installers and end-users of water pumps to get a better deal.
AQT’s TOTAL & FOCUSED modus operandi is different to the traditional industry. We’ll import and distribute, and being integrated, will serve the Resellers, Retailers, Installers, Plumbers, Trades etc. As a result, our Quality and Great Pricing is passed on to their customers & end-users.
NO MORE crazy margins for the importer – we will work on introducing QUALITY PRODUCT at keen pricing!
We are not and never will be the likes of many current pump importers. We aim to be a boutique low cost operator, offer quality, thus keen pricing.
The days of excessive marking-up of landed goods are OVER. 4 – 5 & sometimes 6 times or more is simply wrong!
Mark further states:
“The goal for our trades and dealer retailers is to source and supply QUALITY PRODUCTS akin to a MERCEDES BENZ at TOYOTA CAMRY prices !”
AQT is proudly a Dual Family Owned Australian Registered Company – owned jointly by the Director & CEO, Mr. Mark Thomas.
You can click here to learn more about Mark
Our overheads are low, we collaborate with the Water Pump Industry – some of our partners with +35 Years’ experience selling to the TRADE. We run a lean machine and those savings are offered all the way along the supply chain.
It was this very thinking where Mark wanted EVERYONE to WIN – all the way along the supply chain to the CONSUMER!
Mark’s dream & burning desire was & still IS to source QUALITY PRODUCT WITHOUT COMPROMISE every single day !
“So what if it costs a little extra for TOP SHELF QUALITY – so long as it was THE BEST QUALITY AVAILABLE.”
From Metal Impellers (Solid Brass or Stainless Steel), Stainless Steel Bodies, Stainless Steel Shafts, Solid Copper Wiring (instead of cheaper aluminium). Further, premium solid Brass or Stainless Steel Unions (depending on Pump) are always standard, as are Automatic Pressure Controllers with built-in visual face Pressure Gauges and the latest Technology (like built in variable speed controllers etc)
AQT makes sure Recommended Retail Prices & Discounts Off List Pricing are fair to everyone along the supply chain INCLUDING the END USER.
The Brand you will see come forward very soon offering Pump Wholesalers, Pump Resellers, Retailers, Installers etc. will be known as –

Mark, via his vast network soon learnt that some product was marked up significantly by Importers to the detriment of the Reseller & their clients – Mums and Dads across Australia & New Zealand. After many years in the industry and having seen it all, Mark decided to take that knowledge and experience to a NEW business model and source QUALITY PUMPS without COMPROMISE.
At this stage, Mark knew a key success factor for his vision was to enable assured and reliable long term sourcing of products from China. There are many horror stories of product sourcing from China, and Mark was NOT prepared to take that risk EVER.
To ensure AQT’s supply chain remained true, reliable, culturally integrated and sharing the same vision of quality and value, Mark required cross cultural expertise and management acumen to deliver this critical piece of the jigsaw.
As a result, we believe AQT is well-equipped to assist all our partners and stakeholders – be it our Manufacturers, Suppliers, Distributors and their customers.
Heading for Australia, a full 20 Foot Container Load of 4″Deep Well Pumps ready to transport to the Port of NINGBO – Zhoushan, Zhejiang.
AQT’s preferred Manufacturers are based in China & around South East Asia.
We have made clear we will pay a little extra for BRASS or STAINLESS STEEL components instead of plastic in areas of Unions and Impellers etc – and be sure either German Made or Japanese Made Bearings are in the Motors etc (where possible).
Such detail specifications ensure we end up with QUALITY for our products.
We recognise this optioned up approach costs extra … but that IS NOT the point !
The point is, it gives you QUALITY that we can offer 3+ YEARS warranty compared to an industry standard 2 year (with snags in some cases) & 1 Year on eBay with low volume importers etc !
1 Year on eBay with low volume importers etc ! While we reference eBay – many grossly distort their product performance offering and some with the complete knowledge of Manufacturer or Agents who turn a blind eye- BUYER BEWARE !
Mark stepped back and thought about many a WHOLESALE & RETAIL Pump Dealer and Consumer over the years having concerns and doubts about Asian sourced goods and primarily Water Pumps, Ultraviolet & Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Units, and Solar Powered Deep Well Pumps.
It was at this stage he looked back 30 years when everything Japanese & Korean was considered junk – clearly this is far from the truth and case these days! ( Think Japanese with LEXUS and Korea with HYUNDAI ! )
Clearly now all that has changed for the better. You just have to dig and look, demand and monitor with systems in place and QUALITY can not only be found – but can actually be purchased to more than match the names of GRUNDFOS, WILO LOWARA, DAB, ZENOX. Even Australia’s own loved brand in DAVEY import 100% manufactured product from Taiwan – and to be frank, every single Pump Manufacturer has China-involvement in sourcing product or components to build their water – they just neglect to tell you that.
NEVER would Mark go for the cheapest to save $3 without care or concern. $3 – what a joke ! You can’t even get a meal at McDonalds for that … In life you get what you pay for- it’s that SIMPLE !
Looking at the BIG PICTURE – not only are the major GLOBAL Brands of Water Pumps either partially making, sourcing components, or are fully Made in China – but so are MERCEDES BENZ & BMW ! – as are COMAC Passenger AIRCRAFT now – so the myth of anything & everything Chinese Made is poor quality is simply NOT FACT nor TRUE any longer.
Times have clearly changed and the Power House that is CHINA has certainly stamped its global authority in recent past & continues daily.
Mark said – it’s truly exciting times with NEW product offerings and keen pricing. AQT – have secured the very latest in Design and Technology even for the most basic Home Use Garden Jet Pump where the Pump range of 3 -4 different performance specifications come with Stainless Steel Construction, a Built in Handle if needed & the stunning design allowing the Auto Pressure Controller and visual dial pressure gauge built into the body of the Pump along the top. This also reduces the overall height of the Jet Pump.
These Pumps are so good they will be offered with a Standard DOMESTIC use 2 Year REPAIR or REPLACEMENT WARRANTY and the industry best Domestic use 4 YEAR REPAIR or REPLACEMENT WARRANTY* when housed under a Pump Cover with a base keeping out harsh UV Rays and inclement weather that overtime will harm any Auto Pressure Control. ( *To obtain 4 YEAR REPAIR or REPLACEMENT WARRANTY the Pumps MUST rest on a hard base with a VENTILATED PUMP)

An area of great focus just now is taking on-board a Consultant and a distinguished well practiced SOLAR POWERED DEEP WELL PUMP/S installer & retailer in helping AQT to offer a vast array of options, yet fine tune those SOLAR POWERED Pump offerings for the Rural Sector across Australia.
These Pumps will be available in 3”, 4”, 5” and 6” options – a.k.a 76 mm, 104 mm etc….yet our main focus in 2018 will be the average 3”and 4” Models.
A series of Switch & Control Boxes and Solar Panel and Frame Packaged Deals is also under development for release in the near future.
The 4” models come in a vast array of performance being High Head, High Flow, and up to 3 kW – 18 Stage – 190 Meter Head – 7200 Litre per Hour / 120 Litre per Minute Options. ALL Pumps will have Dry Running Protection ( DRP ) electrode – probes built in.
The control of Overvoltage, Under-voltage, Over-load, Over-temperature etc. Pumps will be able to handle pH content from 5 to 0, can easily work with Water Temps as high as +40’ Celcius and can handle sand content etc up to 50gram per cubic Meter. Pumps will have a minimum IP rating of IP68 and Switching Boxes rated to IP55.
The Pumps can be used for Deep Well, Bores, Dam or River feed – and used for cattle & stock watering, isolated situations away from mains power feed – places like camping grounds, National Parks & remote communities etc.
Many options will be available and made equal to the SUPERIOR standard and QUALITY of the Industry leading GRUNFOS SQFlex Systems. Our aim is to match that Quality yet save our dealers many a small fortune/s !
AQT’s goal is to source, supply the correct QUALITY product for a broad array of Water Pump, Water Filtration, and Solar Deep Well Pumps Dealers and Distributors right across Australia & New Zealand where our real drive is to save you thousands of dollars a Year without an ounce of compromise.
We DO NOT and will NOT work with 2nd Tier Manufacturers who make a poorly specified product, or product NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE, or of what we call and see as 2nd Rate Quality with lack of decent R & R warranty and support.
We will carry spare parts and align a professional Water Pump service centre for warranty support and promise a reliable system to support not only YOU as a Dealer but as importantly YOUR valued customers & returning clients.
We promise NOT to DISCOUNT the value of YOUR clients – without them we ALL have nothing !
YES – there is still inferior quality Water Pumps available & they do get imported into Australia and sold around the World – BUT that’s NOT & NEVER WILL BE the landscape we at AQT play in … said Mark.
It really boils down to a favourite saying of Mark’s and that is – “QUALITY is NOT EXPENSIVE – IT’s PRICELESS !”
” Now- if QUALITY can meet fair pricing and sufficient profit margins when compared to quality of the standard of GRUNDFOS, DAVEY, DAB, etc. and the product falling into the hands of the Consumer saves the consumer Hundreds of Dollars without a single ounce of QUALITY COMPROMISE – then we have reached our goal… ” said Mark.

Our objective is to not to just supply one or two larger Businesses across Australia – but is to partner a vast network of independent Pump & Water related businesses who not only specialise in offering pumping product options – but also those Wholesale & Retail outlets and businesses focused on the growing Solar Pump and Ultraviolet Water Filtration and / or Reverse Osmosis Home based Water Filtration market place.
AQT will also align with Industry Bodies and Associations in support of their Members – in advising Members about new Products and WHERE TO BUY THEM via our preferred stockists.

Future planned products to be added to our range include Ultraviolet Water Filtration & Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Systems, a significant range of quality water pumps, all with cutting edge technology.
Mark as Director stress – WE ALL MUST WIN – including YOUR CUSTOMER, the General Consumer – and we welcome you on board in due course to assist with the Distribution of QUALITY PRODUCT from one side of Australia to the other – and from the Northern to Southern tip of New Zealand in the near future.